Sunday, June 10, 2012

Missionary Spotlight

My name is Mark Goodwin, and I am a missionary with Sun Ministries. I became a full time missionary in the summer of 2011. My heart began to move towards being a missionary while I was in college studying to be a youth minister at Missouri Baptist University. I graduated in 2008 and very quickly realized that several years of school and countless hours of study, debate and discussion among peers had done very little to prepare me to carry out Christ's commands to care for the widows and orphans and the poor.
I began to work part of the time with Sun Ministries after college while spending most of my time doing what most college grads do, working at coffee shops. God began to pull on my heart more and more until finally He made a way for me to Give my whole life and all my time in full time ministry. I moved to Hyde Park and slept on a couch in an old warehouse for several months because I knew that no matter what my conditions were, I was here to serve the very people that God has charged all believers with serving. Hyde Park is a very beat up neighborhood with generations worth of attack and destruction from Satan. I look forward to my future of being a missionary and seeing where God will take me.

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